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Monday, 18 November 2013

Signs Your Family is Trying to Sabotage Your Weight Loss

Deciding to lose weight may well be a positive step to take, but you wouldn’t always think so when you see how your family reacts. Whilst some family members may be supportive, you may come across those who continually tell you that you don’t need to lose weight. Usually, these individuals are rather hefty themselves, although there are occasionally slim family members who prefer to see you remain fat. When you’re trying to lose weight you don’t want to hear that you’re perfectly fine the way you are, since you need all the motivation you can get.

Stocking up on junk food
Losing weight is obviously your own personal choice and so you can’t expect other family members to embrace the same enthusiasm for weight loss. At the end of the day, you’re losing weight for you and even if other family members could do with losing weight, you have to concentrate on achieving your own weight loss goal. However, this isn’t easy when the family members you live with continue to stock up on junk food, particularly if it’s the kind of food that you can’t seem to get enough of. It can be extremely frustrating when a family member decides to tease you by eating something you can’t have in front of you and you may be inclined to pig out.

Offering no encouragement
Of course you’re losing weight for your own sake, but when you’re putting in so much effort to change the way you eat it would be good to hear some words of encouragement. On those days when you’re questioning whether you should give up on your diet or not, it would be helpful to hear from a family member that your weight loss is actually noticeable and that you’re looking better for it. Words of encouragement are not always forthcoming, though, especially if the rest of your family has a weight problem. This isn’t really surprising since it can be tough seeing someone actually doing something to shed their excess pounds.

Adopting a critical attitude
Even worse than indifference is being at the receiving end of criticism, because it is hard enough sticking to a calorie-controlled diet as it is. You don’t want to have to contend with all the negativity from family members telling you that you’ve lost too much weight and that you’re looking too skinny or that you’ve lost so little weight it’s hardly worth bothering with. You have good days and bad days when trying to lose weight and, unfortunately, if you receive criticism about your weight loss efforts it becomes much easier to just give up.

Focus on yourself
No matter how much more challenging your family seems to make your weight loss journey, you know that losing weight will improve your overall health and well-being. It is therefore important that you stick to your diet and continue exercising, even when you feel like giving up and your family seems to offer no support whatsoever.

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