It is understandable why you may be pessimistic about your chances of losing weight and keeping it off when you consider how many other people fail to reach their weight-loss goals. However, you shouldn't let this put you off trying to do something about your weight when failing to take action could result in you continuing to pile on the pounds. It might be hard to stay positive all the time and sometimes you may feel that you have absolutely no control over your eating and that you're always going to be fat. The reality, however, is that you do have the power to lose weight!
You simply have to change how you approach weight loss. If you tell yourself you're going on a diet and joining a gym that you're going to use every day, you may struggle to succeed, because this is so alien to you. Instead of trying to abruptly change your routine, you may find it easier if you alter some of the habits you already have, so that you continue losing weight in the long run. If you put yourself on a very-low calorie diet and try to do lots of exercise, you will constantly feel as though you have very little energy and you may pick up coughs and colds frequently, as well as injuries.
Consequently, it won't be too long before you're back to eating high-calorie foods and spending too much time in front of the television. When you regain the weight you lost you can become convinced that you're just one of those people who is going to be overweight forever. You are despondent about being overweight and it is hard to find the motivation to tackle your weight again when you believe that you're going to end up just as heavier, if not heavier, than before trying to lose weight. Clearly, yo-yo dieting is far from ideal, which is why you have to aim for sustainable weight loss.
Rather than trying to transform your eating and exercise habits overnight, you can take simple steps that are easy to implement. Thus, for instance, you should try to eat regularly to ensure you don't end up bingeing on food because you're extremely hungry; you have to reduce your portion sizes at meal times and try not to eat too many snacks – especially if you have a habit of reaching for junk food. It is also worth increasing your activity levels, but you don't necessarily have to join a gym to reap the benefits of exercise. Deciding to walk or cycle to work is a start and as you lose weight and become fitter, you may find yourself actually wanting to take up a sport or join a gym.
When you're overweight and have been struggling with your weight for a long time, it is easy to lose faith in your ability do something about it. However, the reality of the situation is that you do have the power to lose weight, as long as you are prepared to make some changes to your lifestyle and to be patient. The results you want will come eventually.
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