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Friday, 29 November 2013

How to Tackle Weight Gain

In order to tackle weight gain, you first have to acknowledge that it is a problem. When you can no longer fit into any of the clothes you own and find yourself buying stretchy trousers, so that you don't have to face up to just how much weight you've put on, clearly something needs to be done. The chances are as you've been gaining weight, you have become increasingly reluctant to step on the scales, fearing what you will discover. As you keep gaining weight, it is much easier to bury your head in the sand and pretend it isn't really happening or that it doesn't actually bother you.

However, to confront your weight gain head-on, you need to have some idea of just how much weight you need to lose. It helps to set yourself a goal to aim for and to measure your progress as the weeks and months go by. You may have an ideal weight you would like to reach or you may prefer to concentrate on getting down to a particular dress size. It is up to you what goals you set yourself, but the main thing is to know which direction you ought to be heading in, so that you can take the steps needed to help you achieve weight loss.

You may be tempted to go on a crash diet, where you basically force yourself to live on very few calories. With this approach you know you will achieve rapid weight loss, which makes it all the more appealing. Yet, such an approach will not help you achieve long-term weight loss. Most of the weight you lose will be from water and muscle, so that as soon as you go back to eating normally you pile on the pounds just as quickly as you lost them. This is hardly ideal, as you will really struggle to maintain your lower weight.

You therefore have to work on incorporating healthier habits into your life, as this will get you into a routine of eating and exercising how you should be to keep the weight off. This means eating meals regularly and taking time to appreciate what you're eating, rather than grabbing something that is high in calories and fat, but quick and easy to make. You can still eat snacks, but you can't simply graze on junk food all day and you have to learn to control your portion sizes at meal times. As well as changing your eating habits, you also have to start making exercise a priority, since this can help speed up your metabolism and help with weight loss.

It is always going to be difficult to face up to the fact you've gained weight, because once you've admitted to yourself that you're unhappy with the extra pounds you're carrying you then have to take action to alter the situation. Unfortunately, sticking to a healthy diet and making yourself exercise regularly can be a challenge when you've never really bothered to before. This approach gets results though, making it well worth sticking with.

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