It often seems that women of all sizes are unhappy with their bodies. Even those who are slim and toned generally find something that they don't like about the way they look. They may see fat where there isn't any or have flabby bits or cellulite that they just can't get rid of. Overweight women feel they have even more to dislike about their bodies, since they face can discrimination because of their size. In a society where it helps to be slim, it isn't surprising that so many women find themselves stuck on a diet in an attempt to shed the pounds.
Unfortunately, women are extremely critical of themselves. They worry what their female friends think about them, whilst also wanting to be considered attractive by members of the opposite sex. They tend to be competitive when it comes to appearances, not wanting to be the 'fat one' in their group of friends and delighting in the fact they are the slimmest. They may not admit to such feelings, but they are often present. Weight is something that most women are worried about, even when they're not overweight, so that it becomes a regular topic of conversation.
Women seem to get some kind of perverse pleasure talking about unhappy they are with their bodies. Any woman who states she loves her body and is totally confident will probably receive a few sideways glances from her friends. It is just so unusual to hear, because women almost feel that they have to loathe their bodies. They always have to strive to be thinner, more toned and firmer than their friends and colleagues. It is something which starts in adolescence, as girls grow into women and discover how much importance is attributed to being thin.
Even when friends and relatives say nothing to encourage a girl to lose weight, her size is something she is always conscious of. She wants to be able to wear the latest fashions without worrying she is too heavy to carry them off. She wants to fit in with her friends and be seen as attractive by boys, believing that being slim will help them achieve this. However, no matter how slim women get there is always someone slimmer and more attractive than they are.
Without undergoing cosmetic surgery, there is only so much a woman can do to alter her appearance, with losing weight being the easiest option and having the most visible impact. Consequently, many women get into the habit of dieting, which only makes weight control more challenging in the long run. It does give women something to talk about, though, as they get together with their friends and moan about how difficult it is! Perhaps, this is how it has always been and always likely to be in a society dominated by the issue of weight.
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