If you're overweight and heading towards the obese category (according to your Body Mass Index), it is important to acknowledge that you could do with losing some weight. If you continually avoid the issue of your weight, preferring to tell yourself that you're merely curvy and that men love women with a bit of meat on their bones, you are just storing up problems for later on. Even if you have high self-esteem and are confident about the way you look, there is no getting away from the fact that the heavier you are, the greater the health risks. It therefore makes sense to lose weight before you encounter any serious problems.
Of course, it is tempting to simply ignore the extra weight you're carrying, because tackling your weight head-on can be a challenge. You try to tell yourself that you don't actually look that bad and that you could easily do something about your weight if you really wanted to. However, you know how much effort you have to put into losing weight and most of the time you just can't be bothered, especially when your husband tells you that he finds you attractive whatever your size. Unfortunately, if your bad habits get worse, you could continue to put on weight.
As you get heavier it becomes increasingly difficult to like what you see when you stand in front of the mirror. All you are able to focus on is the extra folds of skin and lumps of fat. You might have difficulty finding clothes that fit and even when you do, they may not look as good on you as you would like them to. It is not only about how you look, though, as you may also start to encounter health problems. You may feel as though you have very little energy and experience knee and back pain because of the extra weight you're carrying. If you continue down this path, it could become extremely hard to lead your normal life, which will, no doubt, affect your confidence.
You therefore have to acknowledge that it is time you lost weight, so that you can avoid getting so heavy that you rarely leave the house because you either can't stand other people staring at you and the embarrassment this causes or because you are physically unable to move yourself. Acknowledging that you need to lose weight is only the first step to getting you back on the right track in terms of your health, but at least it is a positive one. It is certainly better than pretending that your weight isn't an issue, especially if you seem to be unable to stop gaining weight, because even if your weight isn't a problem now, it could soon become one.
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