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Saturday, 30 November 2013

Why Would Anyone Want to be a Politician?

Politicians come under a great deal of scrutiny in both their public and private lives, and are often at the receiving end of criticism from the media and the public at large. As far as most people are concerned, politicians are only in the job to line their own pockets and to further the interests of people like themselves. They are not concerned about the ordinary people who voted for them and got them elected, as once they are in power their whole focus becomes about holding on to that power at all costs. It therefore helps to have wealthy and influential backers who will most probably give them a job once they leave the world of politics.

It is this kind of cynical attitude that makes you wonder just why anyone would want to become a politician. As a politician, it seems that you are not entitled to a private life, with every romantic dalliance detailed in the newspapers and any past mistakes or indiscretions dug up and divulged to the public. If you do not want your sexual orientation disclosed for any reason, or have left your wife and do not want her to be publicly humiliated, you're likely to be disappointed, as the media love a juicy story. Of course, there are some instances where it seems legitimate to delve into a politician's private life, especially when there is hypocrisy in what he says in public.

Clearly, you need to develop a thick skin to get into politics, because you will never be able to please everyone. Even if you have something you think is worth fighting for, believing that you can change the system, the truth is that you soon become part of that system. You may believe that becoming a politician will enable you to improve society and help people, but you will soon find yourself making back-room deals with fellow politicians and compromising. You may end up forgetting whose side you're on, as you begin to cosy up with big business. You may start out as idealistic, but you're soon ground down by the realities of the political world.

It may be the case that many individuals decide to become politicians because they believe in something and want to make a difference to their society, but there are others for whom politics is just about getting ahead. What more prestigious job is there than being prime minister or president of a country? Anyone who enters politics obviously has to consider what he wants out of his career and what he is prepared to do to reach the top. You don't become leader of a party or a country by being sweet and honest when it is ruthlessness and determination that are needed. Entering the political arena gives you a chance to get your name in the history books.

Being a politician can be a thankless job in many respects, but there are still plenty of people who wouldn't mind being in such a position. As a politician you can influence the affairs of a country, pass laws and shape the social landscape. You earn a considerable amount of money doing a job where you often have long holidays and flexible hours. It is also a prestigious job that gets your name known in public and can help you in your future career. Clearly, it helps to be educated and to possess certain qualities which not everyone has, but even those without any kind of political skills can see that there are definite benefits of being a politician that make it seem like an attractive job.

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