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Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Is it Possible to Lose Weight Without Gaining it Back?

It must be possible to lose weight without gaining it all back again, otherwise what is the point? If you believed that you were going to pile on the pounds after coming off a diet, you probably wouldn't go on a diet in the first place. Yet, this is the experience many people face. They lose weight whilst they are following a diet, but then stop following the diet and gradually start regaining all the weight they lost. The likelihood of failure increases if you go on a crash diet and lose weight quickly, but it seems that some people never learn.

The trouble is that you know it can be difficult to stick to a calorie-controlled diet and so you want to get it over and done with as quickly as possible. Being able to see the results keeps you motivated for awhile, but eventually you get bored of eating the same old food and as your weight loss slows down you don't see the point of carrying on with it. You go back to eating junk food and filling your plate high with food at meal times so that your calorie consumption increases and you gain weight as a result.

Although it may be possible to lose weight without gaining it all back again, you have to be prepared to change your eating habits. Dieting may help you to lose weight, but it doesn't get you ready for what you need to do to keep the weight off, as the emphasis is on reducing your calorie intake significantly. You are obviously able to lose weight if you stick to a diet, but you will probably be missing out on vital nutrients since diets are generally so restrictive. Consequently, you can't stick to a diet forever and eventually you just go back to eating what you're used to.

Unfortunately, the chances are it was your former eating habits that caused your problems in the first place. You therefore have to work on changing your habits, so that not only do you lose weight, but you are also able to keep that weight off. You need to get used to reducing your portion sizes, eating less junk food and more fruits and vegetables, whilst also increasing the amount of exercise you do. It is only by learning to get the balance right between the calories you put into your body and the number of calories your body expends that you can control your weight.

Overall, then, if you want to lose weight without gaining it all back again you have to re-train yourself to eat the right way and to get more active. If you simply go back to how you used to eat and give up on exercise, the chances are you will pile on the pounds again, which is clearly what you don't want.

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