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Thursday, 28 November 2013

Why do People Need Support When Trying to Lose Weight?

It might well be possible to lose weight on your own, without any kind of support and encouragement, but it certainly makes the whole process easier knowing you have others whose support you can rely on. Losing weight requires you to make changes to your lifestyle and since you cannot simply remove everyone from your life, it helps if those you care about understand what you're trying to do and are supportive, rather than trying to sabotage your efforts. The last thing you need is a family member or friend trying to derail your weight-loss plans when losing weight is already challenging enough.

If you're married with children, it becomes trickier to simply eat what you want, when you want and to exercise every day, as you have to take into consideration other people in your household. You may be the person who cooks all the meals, so that you are able to control what everyone eats, but if your children eat at different times and eat different things, you may find yourself nibbling on their leftovers. Plus, you may buy some chocolate and treats for your children or partner, even though knowing they are there tempts you into bingeing on foods you would be better off avoiding.

It therefore makes sense to get your family on board, so that they know how serious you are about losing weight. You have to let them know how things are going to be from now on and try to encourage them to follow a healthier eating plan. It isn't just your immediate family who can make weight loss difficult, though, especially if you often visit your parents and other relatives. If they don't know you're trying to lose weight you can find yourself being pressured into eating cakes and more food than you should just to keep everyone happy. Ideally, if you told your relatives about your weight-loss plans you would be able to count on their support.

This support isn't always forthcoming, though, and so you may have to look elsewhere for support. Perhaps, your family don't see your weight as a problem and are making weight loss more difficult, or you live alone and you have no one to confide in. If this is the case, it might be worth considering joining a slimming group, as you will find support from other members who are experiencing exactly the same difficulties with food. You are able to support each other through the highs and lows and educate yourself about the best way to go about weight loss. Knowing that you are not alone in your struggles can really help you to stay focused on achieving your goals, which is why having a support network in place is so important.

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