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Wednesday, 27 November 2013

What is the Easiest Way to Lose Weight?

There are no easy ways to lose weight, because however you choose to go about it, you basically have to reduce your calorie intake so that you consume fewer calories than your body expends. Whether you go on the cabbage soup diet or just focus on eating healthier, you only achieve weight loss by building up a calorie deficit. Unfortunately, although the theory behind weight loss is easy to understand, actually putting what you know into practice can be slightly tougher. You may want to lose weight, but actually having to stick to a calorie-controlled diet can become a hassle.

It is probably best to avoid going on a crash diet or following any kind of fad diet that is extremely restrictive and requires you to avoid whole food groups. These sorts of diet may help you to lose weight quickly, but they are usually quite complicated to follow and are not designed for long-term use. You may lose weight if you stick to the diet, but you don't have to think for yourself and so when you decide to come off the diet, you are overwhelmed by choice and this tends to be when you make the wrong decisions that make weight maintenance impossible.

It is therefore advisable to concentrate on losing weight at a sustainable rate by eating less at meal times, having fewer snacks, avoiding junk food and alcohol, and increasing the amount of exercise you do. You may not lose weight as quickly as you would if you went on a crash diet, but at least you won't have to starve yourself and feel lethargic and miserable whilst you're doing it. Instead, you simply make a few adjustments to your present diet and exercise routine, so that you form healthier habits that will help with long-term weight control.

Otherwise, you could find yourself going on a diet, losing weight, going back to your normal habits and regaining weight. You will end up losing and gaining weight, finding it increasingly difficult to lose the weight you put back on each time. You therefore have to put an end to this approach to weight management, so that you can lose the weight you need to once and for all. It may still be a challenge to control your calorie intake, but at least you will know how to monitor your calorie intake whilst being able to enjoy the occasional treat without feeling guilty about it or worrying that you could put on weight.

Ultimately, it is about finding balance in your life, because weight loss clearly isn't the only thing you have to worry about. Everyday living is difficult enough without becoming so preoccupied with your weight that it overshadows other areas of your life. You therefore need to keep your weight in perspective and try to find a way to lose weight sensibly where you don't have to give up your favourite foods forever. If you are realistic about how much weight to lose and how quickly you can lose it, you should find that losing weight becomes somewhat easier.

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