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Thursday, 28 November 2013

Good Reasons to Work on Your Fitness

It seems that there are many people who neglect their fitness, either because they do not think it matters very much or because they just can't be bothered. The trouble is that if you ignore your fitness, you could end up developing long-term health problems and gaining weight that becomes difficult to shift. You shouldn't simply wait until you've put on a few pounds or take a trip to the doctor to start working on your fitness when you only have to introduce small changes to your lifestyle to get more active, and the sooner you increase your activity levels, the sooner you will be able to fully appreciate the benefits.

It is generally recommended that adults should be doing at least half an hour of moderate intensity exercise, five days a week. This means you need to do something which raises your heart rate and leaves you slightly out of breath, though not so out of breath that you are unable to talk. There are many excuses that people make for not doing enough exercise, but, really, it is only you that loses out by choosing not to do anything. There are plenty of activities to choose from that vary in intensity and appeal to beginners and those with more advanced fitness goals. You just have to decide what you want to achieve.

By working on your fitness, you can lose weight and tone up, so that you fall into a healthy weight range and have the toned body you've always wanted. Getting active isn't only beneficial for your outward appearance, though, as it will also improve your overall health. As your fitness increases, you will be able to walk further and faster, without having to stop to catch your breath. By doing aerobic exercise, such as walking, running and cycling, you will be conditioning and strengthening your heart, which obviously makes you feel healthier. In the long run, you will also be less likely to develop heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

As well as your physical well-being, working on your fitness can be good news for your mental health, too. When you go for a run or bike ride, your brain releases feel-good chemicals, including endorphins, that actually make you feel more positive about things. Exercise can therefore reduce feelings of stress, depression and anxiety. Plus, if you decide to take up a team sport or join a club so that you can exercise alongside other people, you will also get a self-esteem boost and be able to enjoy a more active social life.

Therefore, the next time you decide not to go for a run because it's raining outside or you're too tired, it may be worth reconsidering. To increase your fitness requires an investment of your time and effort over a period of weeks and months; you're not going to get fitter overnight and so you have to be prepared to work at it. You may find it difficult in the beginning, but working on your fitness is definitely worth it in the end.

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