Most people find that gaining weight is far too easy to do, which is why many will end up overweight and in need of losing a few pounds. Unfortunately, losing weight seems to be much more difficult than gaining it in the first place! To lose weight you obviously have to take a more regimented approach to your eating and have a plan of action to help you achieve your weight-loss goal. When you're not really paying attention to your diet or exercise regime, the chances are you will simply eat what you feel like without really worrying about it too much.
Clearly, if you eat food whenever you feel like a snack, because you're bored, stressed, depressed or just want to enjoy eating something tasty, you could quite soon consume more calories than your body requires, which is the main cause of weight gain. It is therefore understandable why so many people find it extremely easy to gain weight. There is so much choice when it comes to the food available and it is generally cheap. When you go shopping and are surrounded by fancy packaging and inexpensive food products, you sometimes buy more than you need.
Instead of going overboard on fruits and vegetables, though, it tends to be the most calorific foods that appeal to you. When you know how tasty and satisfying a bar of chocolate is, you may be less inclined to choose healthier options. You get a buzz from eating food that is high in fat and sugar, as your energy levels get a boost and you feel good, so that later on you may eat more junk food to be able to experience the same pleasant emotions. Obviously, it is harder to stay in control of your calorie intake if you continually graze on junk food all day.
It isn't only the types of food people eat, though, as quantity also plays a part. You can eat a perfectly healthy, balanced diet, but still gain weight if you eat too much food. Even the healthiest options contain calories, so that if you consume three or four apples in one sitting, for instance, you could still end up consuming quite a few calories. At meal times it can be particularly difficult to control your portion sizes, as you don't want to feel hungry later on and so you may end up making too much food, eating it all because you don't want to waste any.
You can't ignore the role that physical activity has to play, either, though, since it is possible to consume more calories than the average recommended amount if you're an active person. If you don't have much spare time or you're lazy, the chances are you won't be doing enough exercise, in which case you can't expect to eat whatever you like without paying the consequences. If you snack throughout the day and eat huge portions at meal times without burning off the excess calories by keeping active, the likelihood is that you will gain weight. It is easy to do, which is why so many people are struggling to keep their weight under control.
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