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Sunday, 24 November 2013

Dangers of Ignoring a Weight Problem

Ignoring a weight problem won't make it go away, unfortunately, and the chances are it is only going to get worse. You may try to bury your head in the sand and tell yourself that you're happy being big and curvy, but you can't ignore the fact that your weight is making it difficult for you to do the things you used to enjoy doing. As you get heavier, you may discover that you can no longer walk for very long and that even going to a theme park is fraught with difficulty. Even more significant is the health implications of being overweight.

Although you may appear to be in good health, you don't know what is going on underneath the surface and the chances are it isn't so good. Being overweight places greater strain on your heart and major muscles become covered in fat and your arteries clogged up, which puts you at a higher risk of having a heart attack or stroke. You will also be more likely to develop diabetes and conditions such as sleep apnoea and osteoarthritis, which is why you should not take your health for granted when you're considerably overweight.

Of course, nobody wants to think that they could suffer a heart attack or develop a life-threatening health issue, and so even when you know the connection between being overweight and various health problems, you may just avoid thinking about it. You tell yourself that there are plenty of slim fitness fanatics who drop dead whilst on a run, even though statistics indicate that eating a poor diet and not doing any exercise is bad for you and increases the likelihood of a premature death. Denial isn't going to change the fact that you could die as a result of your weight.

It is such a shame that so many people are dying from weight-related health issues when it is entirely possible to take steps that will bring your weight under control. It might not be easy to lose weight, but with the right support and guidance you can lose weight and improve your health prospects. You may believe that you're happy being overweight, but once the pounds start falling off you, you realise how much more confident and healthier you feel. By being proactive and losing weight you can approach the future with a more positive attitude and outlook.

If, on the other hand, you choose to ignore a weight problem, there is a good chance you will only be storing up problems for the future – problems that you will have to deal with and that will mean you can no longer ignore your weight. It is therefore better to confront your weight issues immediately than to ignore them and pretend that they are not even a problem when the reality is that they very much are.

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