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Sunday, 24 November 2013

Signs You Can No Longer Ignore Your Weight

Losing weight isn't easy and so you may be inclined to just ignore the fact that you're carrying too much weight. However, if you keep eating too much in relation to the amount of activity you do, you will continue to pile on the pounds. Although you may be able to ignore your weight for awhile, eventually you have to face up to the fact that you have to do something about it. If you don't do anything about your weight, you could end up stuck in the house, unable to get out of bed because you're so obese that you are unable to move.

You don't have to let it reach such a stage, though, if you consider tackling your weight as soon as possible. Checking your Body Mass Index (BMI) will give you a clue as to whether you need to lose weight and how much weight you could do with losing. Although it is not a perfect measure of whether you are a healthy weight or not, at least you will gain some idea of what a normal weight for someone of your height actually is. The chances are that if you rarely exercise, it is mostly fat that your body is made up of, anyway, which is what you want to work on reducing.

If you notice that your clothes are getting tighter and that every time you go shopping you require a larger size, it is evident that you are continuing to put on weight. You may be tempted to avoid stepping on the scales, knowing that you're heavier than you would like to be. However, you cannot ignore the fact that every few months you are having to replace clothes that have become too small for you and that when you look in the mirror you see someone with more than one chin, as well as rolls of fat around your midriff.

The clearest sign that you can no longer ignore your weight is when your health and overall well-being is beginning to suffer. You may struggle to move around, as you get out of breath after walking only a few steps. This could exacerbate your weight problem if you are doing even less exercise than before. You may become increasingly isolated, as you are are not able to go out and enjoy yourself, partly because you get tired so quickly and partly because you can't face everyone staring at you, which leaves you feeling miserable and alone.

You may have been to see the doctor who has told you that if you don't lose weight you could die prematurely. Being overweight puts you at greater risk of heart disease and diabetes and the heavier you are, the more dangerous it becomes. It is therefore evident that you can't ignore your weight if it is making you depressed and damaging your health. It may be challenging to lose weight, but at least you know that doing so will improve your health prospects and make you feel good about yourself.

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