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Saturday, 23 November 2013

Why You Shouldn't Obsess About Food

It is rather unfortunate that as soon as you decide to do something about your weight, all you can do is think about food. Obviously, to lose weight you have to consume fewer calories, which isn't made particularly easy when thoughts of ice cream, chocolate, cakes and cookies regularly enter your mind. You tell yourself that you're not allowed certain foods and then spend the rest of the time fighting off the cravings that make you inclined to give into temptation. Obsessing about food clearly isn't going to help you achieve your weight loss objectives, yet it generally isn't something you have control over.

Having said that, the way you go about weight loss could have an effect on how much you obsess about food. If you go on a very-low calorie diet the range of foods you can eat will be extremely restrictive. You will find yourself filling up on soups and salads or living on meat, which means you won't be getting all of the vitamins and minerals you need to stay healthy. You may be hungry quite a lot of the time and feel as though you don't have any energy. This is when it becomes difficult to stop obsessing about food, because your body is telling you to eat something and you don't have the strength to fight your cravings.

You may have to reduce your calorie intake to lose weight, but you don't have to go on a fad diet to do so. You can still eat the foods you love, as long as you take into consideration the calorie content and avoid eating large portions of calorific food. Thus, you won't have to obsess about all the foods you're not allowed, since you will still be able to treat yourself to some chocolate or cake; you just have to be more careful about how much you eat. The main thing is to eat a balanced diet that fulfils your nutritional requirements and that is tasty!

If you enjoy what you eat at meal times, you won't constantly obsess about all the other food you could be eating, whereas if you live on a diet of cabbage soup it is hardly surprising if you obsess about food all the time. Plus, eating such a restrictive diet will leave you with very little energy to do any exercise and if you want to maintain a healthy weight in the long run, you have to be prepared to incorporate exercise into your routine.

If you get out and do some exercise, you won't have as much opportunity to obsess about food and by the time you've finished your workout you will be able to help yourself to a calorific treat without feeling guilty. By getting your diet right and doing more exercise, you won't have to obsess as much about food. You will be able to enjoy the foods you love without feeling guilty, because you will still be losing weight and hopefully getting used to the habits that will help you keep the weight off.

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