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Sunday, 24 November 2013

Are You in Denial About Your Weight?

If you're in denial about being overweight, it obviously means that you have no reason to try to alter the situation. Sometimes, it is just easier to tell yourself that your weight isn't a problem and that it doesn't really bother you, because then you don't have to deal with it. However, remaining in denial about your weight problem won't help you in the long run. If you fail to tackle your weight problem, it may get worse over the years and, in the end, carrying too much extra weight could have a detrimental impact on your health.

One of the most common signs you're in denial about your weight problem is your reluctance to step on the scales. If you don't know how much you weigh, how can it be a problem? If you never bother to weigh yourself you don't know that you're gaining weight and what the impact of your eating and exercise habits on your size is. Bad eating habits can become worse, so that your calorie consumption increases over time, but you don't realise this because you have no idea how much you weigh. It may only be when you go to see your doctor that you finally realise how heavy you are.

Your doctor obviously can't force you to step on the scales, but if your health is suffering because of your weight, it is something your doctor is going to point out, whether you want to hear it or not. Unfortunately, even when your doctor indicates that it would be a good idea for you to lose weight, you immediately tell yourself that being overweight is in your genes or that perhaps you have a thyroid problem that makes it harder to stay slim. You know how hard it is to lose weight and so it is easier to tell yourself you're only slightly overweight or that you can't do anything about it, even if you wanted to.

Eventually, being overweight will catch up with you, though. You may be able to avoid the scales, but you can't ignore the reflection in your mirror or the fact that whenever you go shopping for clothes you have to buy them in a larger size. At the end of the day, it is your health which is likely to deteriorate if you don't do something to lose a few pounds. Being overweight puts you at greater risk of heart disease and diabetes. You may not want to think about the possibility of becoming ill, but it is worth considering. Although you may be in good health now, this may not be the case for long if you continue to put on weight.

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