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Monday, 18 November 2013

Why do People Stay Fat Even When They Hate it?

Few people would admit to being happy with the fact they are fat, yet society is still getting fatter. It seems that for many individuals, weight control is just too difficult, which is why there are increasing numbers of individuals becoming so overweight that their health is at risk. At the same time, with more people getting fatter, it is easier to develop a distorted perception of what a healthy weight actually is, so that people remain in denial about the extent of their weight problem.

Losing weight is hard!
To achieve weight loss you simply have to reduce your calorie intake, so that you are consuming fewer calories than your body is burning. However, this simple equation doesn’t take into account the emotional relationship you have with food or the fact that food tastes so good and is packed full of chemicals that leave you craving more. To lose weight you have to follow a reduced calorie diet for a long enough period of time to reach your goal weight, whilst increasing your calorie expenditure through exercise. This can be a challenge when you’ve never made an effort to watch what you eat and you’re a self-confessed couch potato!

Family and friends
If most of your family is overweight and you hang around with friends who also have issues with their weight, it is going to be harder to address your eating habits when you don’t necessarily see them as a problem. If you spend a lot of time with people who think that it’s normal to eat huge quantities of fatty and sugary junk food, you may do, too. It is very difficult to change your eating and exercise habits when everyone around you is eating what they want and being lazy. Even if you do manage to make changes, there may be those willing to sabotage your efforts when they see how well you are doing.

Self-esteem issues
Being overweight can often affect your self-esteem in a negative way, particularly when people make nasty comments to you about your size. Instead of motivating you to change your lifestyle and lose weight, when you encounter any kind of negativity, you may internalise it and punish yourself for being fat. You could be tempted to pick up a bar of chocolate or tub of ice cream and to eat until the pain goes away, even though you know that food is part of the problem.

Facing up to the problem
Most people eventually come to the decision to lose weight, despite how tough it can be, as the benefits of weight loss outweigh any downsides. By losing weight you can improve your health prospects and feel more confident about the way you look, which can have a positive impact on other areas of your life. Thus, if you’re carrying a few too many pounds it is well worth taking steps to change the situation.

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