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Monday, 18 November 2013

Losing Weight the Easiest Way Possible

Losing weight doesn’t have to be difficult, but many people find that they fall at the first hurdle. They go on a crash diet, lose lots of weight quickly and then wonder why they were unable to maintain their lower weight. Severely restricting your calorie intake may well help you achieve rapid weight loss, but what is the point of depriving yourself for weeks or months at a time when you’re only going to regain any weight you lose, anyway? You would be better off striving for a more sensible rate of weight loss so that you are able to continue living normally.

Do not skip meals
When trying to lose weight you have to find ways of reducing your calorie intake and so it can be tempting to skip meals. You might decide to skip breakfast, telling yourself that you don’t have time to eat, but you will regret it later on in the day. Breakfast is a particularly important meal to eat, because it kick-starts your metabolism and gives your energy levels a boost. If you skip breakfast, or any other meal, the chances are you will end up feeling extremely hungry so that it becomes more difficult to resist the lure of calorific junk food.

Focus on portion control
Portion control is extremely important when you’re trying to lose weight, because it is by managing your portion sizes that you can keep on enjoying all your favourite foods. If you decide to go down the fad diet route to achieve weight loss, you will probably have to give up a wide variety of foods that you may well gorge yourself on once the diet comes to an end. If you opt to lose weight in a sensible way, though, you can still indulge yourself with a dessert or a bar of chocolate during the day. You don’t have to miss out on anything, which means that you won’t obsess about all the foods you’re not allowed.

Keep active
Since weight loss is achieved by building up a calorie deficit, you shouldn’t ignore the vital role that exercise plays in helping you to achieve your weight-loss goal. Of course, you have to make changes to your diet in order to bring your calorie intake down, but the more exercise you do, the more calories you burn and the more calories you are able to consume. It is therefore worth setting aside some time in your day to get active, so that you can treat yourself to a cake or bar of chocolate without feeling guilty about it.

Be realistic
The human body isn’t designed to let go of weight easily and so you have to be patient. You may want to lose 10 pounds in a week, but you would be better off aiming for a pound or two of weight loss, as this is an amount which you should be able to achieve. If you aim to lose a large amount of weight each week, you’re only setting yourself up for failure, as when you fail to reach such a target you may be inclined to give up. You therefore need to concentrate on losing weight sensibly rather than rapidly.

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