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Friday, 22 November 2013

Exercise Regularly For Weight Loss

Exercise can play an important role in weight loss, but is often overlooked by desperate dieters. Whenever you pick up a magazine or go into a book store, it isn't exercise that is highlighted as a useful weight loss tool, as the focus is entirely on diet. Of course, you can't simply ignore your diet when you're trying to lose weight, but nor should you forget to make time for exercise. The problem with concentrating solely on diet is that often you end up consuming so few calories that you don't have the energy to do any exercise even if you wanted to.

This is one of the reasons that people fail to keep off the weight they lose. They become far too preoccupied with restricting their diet and they forget there are other changes they can make to their life, which will not only help them lose weight, but will also facilitate weight maintenance. When you become preoccupied with putting less food on your plate and only eating certain types of food it becomes impossible to continue. Eventually, you're going to get bored of only being able to eat soup and lettuce, so that all your old eating habits are back before you know it.

You therefore need to change the way you think about weight loss. Instead of focusing so much on calorie reduction, you really ought to look for ways to increase your calorie expenditure as well. If you increase the amount of activity you do you will speed up your metabolism and burn a greater number of calories, so that you don't have to worry as much about whether you have reduced your calorie intake enough. By making time for regular exercise you will be able to treat yourself now and again without feeling guilty about it and worrying about the implications for your weight loss.

If you intend to take a sensible approach to weight loss you obviously need to get the right balance between diet and exercise. You can't completely ignore what you eat and concentrate only on exercise, just as you shouldn't put all your energies into dieting without making room for exercise. You need to make exercise a normal part of your routine and ensure that you participate in any kind of moderate-intensity exercise that leaves you slightly out of breath for at least half an hour, five days a week. This will help your weight to keep heading in the right direction and will also improve your health and fitness levels, which can only be a positive thing.

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