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Friday, 22 November 2013

Eat Regularly For Weight Loss

When you're desperate to lose weight it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that skipping meals will help you to lose weight. You know that you have to reduce your calorie intake and so it seems to make perfect sense that cutting meals out will help you to consume fewer calories. Yet, even when you take this step you generally find that you don't lose as much weight as you'd planned to or that although you lose weight, you can't seem to keep it off. Clearly, then, skipping meals is not the way to go if you want to lose weight successfully.

Indeed, instead of skipping meals you would be better off eating regularly, as this will keep your energy levels up and your metabolism ticking over as well as ensuring you don't become so hungry that you're prepared to eat the first thing you see. Eating regularly can help you stick to a calorie-controlled diet because you have to plan in advance what you're going to eat and when, so that you actually have to give greater consideration to what you eat. If you intend to eat between three and six meals a day, you obviously have to adjust your portion sizes accordingly.

Some people find that dividing their daily calorie allowance into six meals a day helps them to stay on track, because they don't have an opportunity to obsess about food when every few hours they are able to eat. Other people prefer to have a few main meals and a couple of snacks in between, so that they have something to look forward to in between meals. Eating regularly also helps keep hunger at bay, something which can be a real problem when you're trying to lose weight. It is usually when you're hungry that you give into the temptation of something you shouldn't be having.

It is therefore worth making the effort to eat regularly if it helps you to stay in control of your calorie intake. It should, since you will be better prepared when it comes to meal times and you won't be hungry all the time. However, you do have to be careful not to use your regular mealtimes as an excuse to load up your plate with food each time. Eating regularly throughout the day means you have to be particularly careful not to go overboard with portion sizes, as otherwise you may find that not only do you fail to lose weight; you may actually gain some! All-in-all, though, eating regularly can help you to achieve your weight loss aims and hopefully keep the weight off, as well.

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