Sometimes, you can feel yourself overwhelmed by boredom. It happens to everyone, but why? After all, when you're at work or school you're kept busy and there are always things you can do with your time. There are plenty of useful ways to spend your time, such as learning another language or taking up a sport, and perhaps less useful, but still enjoyable, activities you can do. You can browse the Internet or play computer games, watch films or listen to music. However, even with all these options, many people struggle to overcome boredom. When you're bored you find everything dull and tedious and it takes a real effort to do anything.
The trouble is that people seem to expect too much from life. When you see images of how other people live their lives; they all seem to have exciting and glamorous lifestyles, which makes you question your own existence. Instead of learning to be happy with your situation, you simply feel depressed because you're led to believe that you should want more from life. Even when your time is occupied with work, you may find that your job isn't particularly interesting and that you spend your whole time waiting for when you can finally go home. However, when you get home all you can think about is that you have to go to work again in a few hours.
Perhaps, it is work that helps to make life boring, because most people have jobs which they find to be pointless and that leave them unfulfilled. If you work in a shop all day, scanning products and stacking shelves, it can be mind-numbingly dull, especially when you know other people who have much more exciting jobs. However, if you ask them whether they actually enjoy their jobs, they probably find that their job can be boring, too. Thus, it appears no one is completely satisfied. You may have a job you hate, but carry on doing it because it helps to pay the bills and gives you money to spend on more interesting activities.
Yet, even in your free time, you can never escape the fact that you have to work. The days, weeks, months, years fly by and you start to wonder where the time has gone. You get older and yet you have nothing to show for it. You become convinced that you're wasting your life and that you should be doing something more exciting. The average life expectancy has increased over the years, and so there is even more time to fill. Instead of appreciating everything you've got, you're left feeling bored with your job and with the mundane nature of your life. Even though you love your family and friends, they simply remind you of your boredom and dissatisfaction. Clearly, this is not the case for everyone, but many people struggle to shake off the feeling that their life is more boring than other people's.
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