When you're desperate to lose weight you may end up believing anything, though. You want to be able to lose all your extra weight as soon as possible, and so you're prepared to experience the inconvenience of preparing specific meals and feelings of hunger. As long as you step on the scales and lose a few pounds each week, it is worth the suffering you have to endure! However, if you're losing weight too quickly, the chances are your weight loss will slow down, anyway, and this is when it becomes more of a challenge to motivate yourself. Sometimes, the temptation to binge on junk food is just too great and so you succumb.
A better way to approach weight loss is to get used to calorie counting. It isn't as difficult as you might think. You just need to have a rough idea of the calorie content of the food you eat, so that you can make sensible choices. If you know what you're eating is high in calories you obviously have to eat less of it or choose a less calorific option instead. Your focus has to be on reducing your calorie intake during the day, which may encourage you to skip meals. However, you don't want to do that, as this can mess up your metabolism. Instead, you need to eat regularly, but make sure that you don't serve huge portions and that you don't simply waste calories on junk food.
Plus, it is important that you don't overlook the importance of exercise, since getting more active will help to speed up your metabolism and increase the number of calories you burn. In the long run, you will find it much easier to maintain a healthy weight if you combine an active lifestyle with a calorie-controlled diet. The same goes for when you're trying to lose weight. It is simple to understand, as the idea when you're trying to lose weight is to give your body less fuel so that it is forced to use up its fat reserves. When maintaining your weight you simply need to make a few adjustments so that you burn as many calories as you consume.
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