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Monday, 2 December 2013

Why is Life so Unfair?

It often seems that some people get all the luck. There are individuals born into wealthy families, who go to the best schools, go on to have successful careers and families of their own. There are others who are born and raised in a deprived environment and have to work hard just to get nowhere. This seems rather unfair, but that's just the way it is. Clearly, how you cope with life's ups and downs matters more than whether you're 'lucky'. There are people who are able to remain positive about their situation, despite having to face many difficulties.

Of course, it is frustrating when you're always good; you follow the rules and treat people with respect, and yet it is you that always seems to lose out. Whenever there is a promotion on offer you're always overlooked; whenever you're on a night out you're the last one to be chatted up, and so on. You read about criminals who steal millions and are never caught or former criminals who make a fortune when they win the lottery and you start to wonder whether it's worth being a good person when it doesn't seem to help you get ahead.

However, even though you may have instances of bad luck, when nothing seems to go right – a relationship breakdown, financial difficulties, household appliances breaking, illness or death – there are bound to be people far worse off than you. Even though you may not have as much luck as your friend who has just won a fortune, got married and is now living happily ever after, your life cannot be as bad as that of someone who is homeless and who has no family or friends to speak of. Even though life may seem to be unfair to you, everyone is in pretty much the same position.

It's how you respond to negative events in your life that can have an influence on how unfair you perceive life to be. If you're generally optimistic and take life's setbacks on the chin, you take the rough with the smooth and don't really pay much attention to your luck. You appreciate when things are good, but you try not to dwell on the hard times. Obviously, it is worth remembering how tough it has been in the past, occasionally, when you're in a better place, because it reminds you that not everything goes your way and helps you to appreciate the good times a little bit more.

Who can say why life is so unfair? It just is. Some people never have to work for anything and are born into privilege; don't appreciate what they've got and everything appears to go their way. For other people, nothing ever goes right and despite their best efforts, they are always stuck in a rut. In most cases, though, people have good times and bad times, and simply respond to the tough times in their own way. Some will remain positive and optimistic about the future, whilst others will dwell on how unfair life is. Overall, though, there isn't much point obsessing about why life is so unfair when there is very little you can do about it.

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