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Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Benefits of Being a Man

It's hard to imagine that anyone would actually choose to be a woman when men seem to have a much easier time. On a biological level, men don't have to contend with periods, child birth, or the menopause, whilst on a social level, men don't have to worry about their appearance or getting older to the same extent that women do. Men also tend to be in positions of power, are often promoted over their female colleagues and are frequently paid more for doing the same job. It hardly seems very fair, but it is something women have had to get used to.

Of course, it could be argued that women should challenge the status quo and, on a social level, that may well be possible. However, there are a number of things that are never going to change. Women are always going to be the ones carrying babies and giving birth to them, and it is this particular role which shapes societal expectations. Not every woman wants children, but many women do, and for those who want to become mothers, this will undoubtedly have a degree of influence over their career path and the way they live their lives.

Men do not have to contend with the same issues, since they don't have to think about how having a baby will interfere with their career or prevent them from getting a promotion. Although some men do take paternity leave, many men continue going to work after the birth of their baby and do not have to give up the same things that women do to have a family life, as well as a career. It could be said that some men miss out on being proper fathers because of their role as breadwinner taking precedence over the time they spend with their children.

There are some men who are deciding to take on the role of home maker, so that their wives become the main financial provider of the family. In many families, both parents work, because they feel a certain amount of social pressure to, or because they can't afford not to, or because they need a break from family life. Often there is more burden on women to work, look after the children, house and husband, whilst men get away with doing less within the home. Of course, every couple has their own rules and boundaries, but it does seem that men don't have quite as tough a time as women.

Well, that's how it would appear. Yet, when it comes to the number of divorce applications, women are more likely to ask for divorce than men. Women are no longer prepared to put up with a situation if they're unhappy about it. At least women now have this option, but that has not always been the case. Ultimately, women have had to fight for the rights that were already available to most men and even now there are still societies in which women have very few rights compared to the male population. There is no denying there are fundamental differences between men and women which make life more interesting, but why is that women always get the short end of the stick?!

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