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Tuesday, 3 December 2013

How a Negative Attitude Can Affect Your Ability to Work from Home

Clearly, whatever job you do, it is better to have a positive attitude than a negative one, but it's not always something you can control. If you're naturally pessimistic and full of self-doubt, this is bound to have an impact on the way you work. Unfortunately, although there are benefits of being a freelance worker, job security is not one of them. To succeed when working from home, you have to be tenacious and able to make contacts; you have to actively seek out jobs and complete your work to a high standard. All of this can be tough with a negative attitude.

If you find yourself in a situation where there doesn't appear to be many job opportunities available, it might be tempting to just give up looking, but this isn't going to help you earn an income. There is a lot of competition out there and it can be tough to make your work stand out and to get yourself noticed, but it is well worth putting in the hours to increase your chances of success. With a negative attitude, however, it can be a real challenge to motivate yourself to do anything and so you may well find yourself without any work to do.

If you don't have anything to work on, you can find yourself becoming even less productive, as you don't have any routine or something to focus your energies on. Instead of building up a portfolio of work to show potential clients, you could find yourself just playing computer games or watching television, which is hardly likely to help you in future. The trouble is that once you have adopted a negative mindset, you can't always just snap yourself out of it and the longer you're feel depressed about your situation, the tougher it becomes to make the necessary changes that will help you succeed.

If you work in an office or shop, a negative attitude can definitely hamper your career progress, but not in the way that it will affect your ability to work from home. To succeed as a freelancer and to be able to continue working from home, you have to be self-motivated and clear on what you want to achieve and what you need to do to succeed. If you start your own business without a clear plan, then things may not turn out the way you hoped they would and that is when you can find yourself overwhelmed by negativity, which then makes it even harder to stay on the right track.

Working from home might seem like the easy option to many people, since you can mostly set the hours you work and you don't have to deal with office politics, but this is far from being the case. If it is you on your own day in, day out, it can become isolating and depressing and you may sometimes struggle to find the motivation to do as much work as you need to. If you have a negative attitude that you can't seem to shake off, you may end up coming to the conclusion that working from home just isn't for you.

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