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Tuesday, 3 December 2013

How to Increase Your Body Confidence

Nobody is perfect, so stop expecting yourself to be. Everyone knows that the images you see on magazine covers are an illusion, anyway, so why put so much pressure on yourself to look like the models who are paid a fortune for posing for photographs? Clearly, these models have had a lot of help to look as good as they do – they have make-up artists, stylists and professional photographers all working on making them appear flawless. If that's not enough, these images can always be manipulated afterwards so that any imperfections and flaws are airbrushed away.

Thus, if you want to increase your body confidence, you first need to appreciate that the high-profile individuals involved in selling stuff – whether it be perfume, make-up, films or music – have a lot of help to look a certain way. They get out of bed and look just as much of a mess as ordinary human beings do! These individuals are generally expected to keep themselves looking trim and to make sure they step out of the house looking stylish and with immaculate hair and make-up. In the real world, this just isn't practical, because you usually have more important things to worry about.

The trouble is there is such a lack of diversity in the celebrity world that is reported on by the media, that you can find yourself convinced that you have to be stick-thin with an ample bosom, perfect teeth and features to be considered attractive. This obviously isn't the case, but, clearly, the whole beauty industry is designed to make women find fault with their appearance. If you continually obsess about all your flaws, of course you're going to be more willing to spend your money on the latest anti-ageing creams and cosmetics.

It is exactly the same as far as the weight-loss industry is concerned. If women are unhappy with their weight, they're going to spend money on trying to be thin. Thus, there is never a desire to push the idea that you can be happy with your body whatever your size and shape or however many wrinkles you've got. It's all about having to change yourself when, perhaps, you'd be better off changing your attitude. You therefore need to accept that people come in all different shapes and sizes and have different looks. There is nothing wrong with being unique!

Body confidence can be hard to find when you're convinced you'd be happier if you were slimmer and had smaller breasts, for instance, but you shouldn't become so preoccupied with your size and shape that the rest of your life starts to suffer. You should focus on the bits you like about your body and make an effort to accentuate the positives. If you like your legs, why not show them off, especially if you receive some positive attention? Whenever you receive a compliment, don't just shrug it off; instead, you should accept that someone else finds you attractive.

At the end of the day, though, you can't rely on anyone else's opinions to make you feel better about yourself. Of course, it is always nice to receive a compliment on your appearance, but at the same time it shouldn't really matter what other people think. Who cares if someone is judging you for putting on a few pounds? It is your life not theirs, and it is obviously their problem not yours. If you want to become more body confident, it is worth accepting that there is more to life than looks, so that you can get on with enjoying your life!

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