The main problem with deciding you need a fresh start is that although it seems like a tempting option, the reality is you cannot completely leave behind the person you are and the problems you are having. If you're single, lonely and unemployed, simply telling yourself it's time for a fresh start is not enough. It is important to make an effort if you really want the situation to change, but even if you revamp your CV, take up a hobby and sign up to dating sites, there are no guarantees that anything in your life will change. Unfortunately, when you make a big song and dance about making a fresh start, you only end up disappointed when nothing really changes and you feel even worse if other people know you've failed.
There is nothing wrong with deciding that there are features of your life that could do with improving, but it is worth geting away from the idea of a completely fresh start. It isn't unusual for individuals to get away from it all and move somewhere far away in an attempt to make a fresh start. However, if you decide to do this, you could find yourself alone and without anyone to turn to when you could really do with some support. It can be hard to meet new people and make friends as you get older and you may end up isolated and full of regret, wishing that you'd stayed where you were. That isn't always the case. Some people move and know what they're doing, have a renewed sense of purpose in life and quickly make friends.
Change can be good. If you've lived in the city for a long time and you're fed up with all the hassles associated with big-city living, you may find moving to the countryside is desirable. There is always the chance you may find it dull, but sometimes it is worth taking the risk. Ultimately, you should have a better idea of what you want out of life than anyone else and if you're not happy with the way things are going, only you can change the situation. At the end of the day, though, 'escaping' isn't always enough. Even if you remove yourself from a particular situation, you cannot erase all the experiences, thoughts and connections you have had.
If you're in debt and want to make a fresh start, thus deciding to get a new job and start spending less, putting some money aside to pay off your loans and other financial commitments, you have to prepare yourself for the fact it isn't going to happen overnight. It may be that you're stuck in an unhappy relationship. You can leave, but at the same time if you have a house together and a family, you cannot completely remove that person from your life with a snap of your fingers. At the end of the day, life is complicated and although it is tempting to believe you can separate the past from the present, move on and make a fresh start, unfortunately, in most cases life just continues onwards, even if you do make a few adjustments to the direction you're heading.
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