Weight gain is obviously the result of consuming more calories than you burn, just as losing weight is the result of consuming fewer calories than you burn. Consequently, you may wonder how being in a relationship could have any impact on your weight. However, it is possible that your calorie consumption could be influenced by being in a relationship, since entering into a relationship may lead you to change your habits and it can also affect your emotional state. Many people find that they gain weight when they are in a relationship, whether the relationship is a happy one or not, because of how they feel about themselves.
If you're happy in your relationship and feel comfortable being with your partner, you may find that you stop worrying so much about going to the gym and eating healthily. If your partner isn't bothered when you gain a few pounds it is much easier to simply eat what your partner eats, regardless of your calorie requirements. You enjoy each other's company and you're not trying to attract someone new. You're loved and valued as you are, so bad habits creep up on you and you find yourself gaining weight. This probably won't pose a problem, though, unless your weight spirals out of control.
Indeed, if you find yourself stuck in a relationship which leaves you feeling miserable, you could find yourself turning to food for comfort, as so many people do. If your partner is controlling and makes you feel worthless, you may retaliate by eating more. You stop caring about your appearance, because your self-esteem has reached such a low point and so you may try to ignore the weight you've gained. It takes a lot of strength to leave a relationship when you have such little self-worth, but it is only when you can value yourself that you will be able to get back in control of your weight and your life.
Sometimes, it is the end of a relationship which affects your weight. If you have been in a happy and loving relationship, it can come as quite a shock when it ends. You may find that you lose your appetite because you feel miserable and have no inclination to eat. Alternatively, you may consciously decide to change your eating habits so that you can lose weight for your own sake and increase your confidence. There is always the chance that you will go the other way and turn to food to cheer you up, in which case you could start to pile on the pounds.
Overall, then, it is pretty clear that being in a relationship can affect your state of mind which, in turn, can affect your weight. It depends on the type of relationship you are in and the emotional attachment you have with food as to which way your weight goes. Plus, the time you dedicate to exercise will also affect whether you gain weight or not over the course of a relationship. There are also unavoidable instances of weight gain which can happen during a relationship, such as if you decide to have a baby. It is obviously up to you to determine whether the relationship you're in is a healthy one, so that you can make the right choices for you.
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