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Monday, 18 November 2013

The Impact of Modern Society on People's Waistlines

Obesity is considered to be a serious public health issue, which is hardly surprising when a third of Americans are considered to be overweight and another third are considered to be obese. Obesity is not unique to America, though, as across the developed world governments and policymakers are struggling to address the economic and social problems that widespread obesity has raised. One of the difficulties of reversing obesity rates is the way in which modern society functions. Family life is more fragmented, people work awkward hours, food is plentiful and cheap, whilst it is extremely easy to get out of doing any exercise.

The types of jobs available in modern society tend to be ones which do not require a great deal of physical exertion. For most people, a day’s work consists of sitting at a desk or behind a counter, which means that unless they go out of their way to exercise they probably lead a rather sedentary lifestyle. For those who work long, irregular hours it can be difficult to make enough time for exercise. Plus, they may be inclined to eat too much junk food, because they can eat it on the go and it tastes good. Obviously, leading an inactive lifestyle and eating calorific junk food is likely to result in weight gain.

Family life
Families used to go for walks together and eat meals together, but this is less often the case today. It can be difficult for busy parents to take time out of their schedule to walk with their children to school, and so drive them there instead, whilst when it comes to meal times they may simply cook something quick and easy, rather than focusing on its nutritional value. Everyone has their own schedules and so it becomes a challenge to control when and what family members decide to eat, which means that it might be tempting for some to eat all the wrong kinds of food.

Technology plays such an important society in modern society that many people cannot imagine life without the Internet or their mobile phones. There is such a wide range of technological innovations competing for people’s time that many are inclined to eschew exercise in favour of watching DVDs on their widescreen television and playing computer games. Rather than going outside to get some fresh air, people can relax and have fun whilst lounging around. Even when they do leave the house, they may only walk as far as the car before driving to their destination. Exercise is an important component in helping people to manage their weight, especially when their diet is so calorific.

The mindset of a modern generation
Not everyone is obese, but the number of obese individuals is increasing, which suggests that people have embraced the kind of lifestyle which makes it difficult to remain a healthy weight. Although there are health campaigns designed to alert individuals to the health risks of being obese, many are in denial about how their weight is affecting them. The only way obesity is going to be reversed if for people to recognise their weight is an issue and to change their lifestyle in a way which will help them stay healthy.

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