There may be more to life than money, but being rich can certainly make life easier. If you have a significant amount of money in your bank account and never have to work again, clearly you have the time to do whatever you want. You don't have to dedicate your life to work in order to keep your head above water and so you can enjoy your wealth. Even if you are not yet in a position to give up work, being rich can certainly help you lead a more luxurious lifestyle than if were working for the minimum wage.
Many people will proclaim that money cannot bring you happiness, which may be true to an extent, but often these people are either rich and have never had to worry about money or aren't very well-off with little chance of this changing. Being rich means that you don't have to worry about being able to afford the basics. You have the money to pay your mortgage and utility bills, so that you may not even consider how difficult this is for other people. Plus, the chances are you will have plenty of money left over to spend on what you want, which isn't the case for everyone.
Whereas most people have to save money to afford a holiday or a new car, or else rely on credit, you may be in a position to simply go out and spend. When you have plenty of money it is very easy to take it for granted and you may not always appreciate everything you've got, especially if your wealth is inherited and you haven't had to work for it. Being rich puts you in a good position to help your own family out, as you are able to afford to send your children to the best schools, which means that they have a better chance of educational success and establishing connections with influential people.
When you are rich, you can have an influence on the decision-making process in public life, if you decide to use your wealth to engage in political or philanthropic activities. You can donate money to political parties and make a name for yourself so that you, too, could eventually be elected to office if that is your desire. You have the money to spend on political campaigns and presenting the right image to the voting public, which is why it is helpful to have been involved in charitable activity and to have donated money to charitable events in the past.
Not that giving money to charity is always a cynical move – it may be that you want to share your wealth with others who are less fortunate than yourself. At least if you are rich you can give money to charity without even batting an eyelid, especially for the purposes of tax breaks. Others may like to give money to charity, but simply cannot afford to. With so many benefits associated with being rich it is little wonder that people continue to buy lottery tickets, as they live in hope that one day their numbers will come up and they can then enjoy a life of luxury and maybe even share their wealth with others.
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