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Sunday, 24 November 2013

Losing Weight When You Work From Home

It often seems that working from home makes losing weight more difficult, especially if you do not have a structured routine. When you have a job outside of the home, you have to abide by the rules of the workplace, which include eating only at set times. At home, however, you are able to choose when and how often you eat. Unfortunately, you don't always make the right choices when it comes to what you eat and how frequently, because there is no one there to watch over you and so you don't have to worry what anyone else thinks.

At the same time, though, working from home does give you an opportunity to get some exercise. You don't have to be stuck indoors all the time, as you can break up the day and make room for some kind of physical activity. You can go for a walk in the morning or a jog in the afternoon, which would perhaps be more difficult to do every day if you had to arrive at work by a certain time and finish late in the day. Working at home gives you the freedom to be more active, which will obviously help you to increase your calorie expenditure.

Although it can be more of a challenge to restrain yourself around food when you work from home, since the kitchen is often only a few metres away, you at least have more time to think about what you're going to eat and to prepare your meals. It is therefore a wise idea to stock up the cupboards with only healthy foods, as then you won't have an opportunity to gorge yourself on the most calorific foods available. If you don't have any chocolate or cake in the house, then you can't binge on it and jeopardise your weight loss as a consequence.

It also makes sense to create some kind of routine, so that you know roughly when you intend to eat during the day. If you just eat whenever you feel like, it becomes easier to eat too much. Without a routine in place, you could find yourself taking frequent trips to the kitchen, because it's what you always do. Even if you only have healthy foods in the kitchen, if you eat lots of fruit and yoghurt, the calories still add up. You therefore have to be careful about how much food you eat during the day when you work from home.

Losing weight is generally hard whether you work from home or have a job that requires you to leave the house. Having said that, working from home can make it more difficult in some respects, because you have to be extremely motivated to stick to a diet and to be good at policing yourself when it comes to the food you eat. On the plus side, you do have more time to create healthy, balanced meals and to get some exercise. The most important thing is that you have the desire to lose weight and the willingness to follow through with your plans.

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