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Saturday, 23 November 2013

Get on Your Bike For Weight Loss

If you're trying to lose weight you really ought to make an effort to exercise more, as focusing solely on your diet won't help you in the long run. By exercising on a regular basis you will be able to burn more calories and tone up at the same time. However, finding the motivation to exercise can sometimes be a problem, which is why it is crucial to look for a form of exercise which you are actually able to enjoy. If you have fun whilst you're exercising, you will want to do it again and again, which will obviously help you on your weight loss quest.

A fun way to get some exercise would be to get on your bike. Cycling is an excellent calorie-burner and is particularly good for those carrying a lot of extra weight. Unlike with an activity such as running, you are not forcing a lot of weight through your joints, which means you can keep going without experiencing pain and discomfort in your knees and elsewhere. You will only encounter pain if you have not set up your bike properly and the saddle is too low or too high, or you decide you don't need to wear cycling shorts, in which case you could end up with a sore bottom!

Cycling isn't particularly difficult to do and you have a wide range of options when choosing a route. You can ride on the road or go off-road and explore the countryside. Going for a bike ride gives you an opportunity to clear your head, improve your cardiovascular health and burn some calories whilst you're at it. Therefore, it might be worth digging out your long-unused bike from the shed, giving it a quick once-over and getting out on it. You will certainly be able to appreciate the benefits of making cycling a regular activity.

Plus, the bicycle is a form of transport and so whenever you need to go somewhere, you could always go on your bike. Instead of taking the car to work, for instance, you might decide that it would be better for your health, wallet and the environment to get on your bike, instead. That way, you will be able to get your exercise out of the way early on without even having to think of it as exercise, since it is the journey you would be taking anyway; just on your bike, rather than by car.

You can burn a substantial amount of calories by getting on your bike, though you still have to be careful about what you eat. You can't simply eat whatever you feel like just because you've been on a bike ride. However, the more often you cycle, the faster you go and the tougher the terrain; the greater the number of calories you will burn, which ought to be good news for your weight loss plans in the long run.

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