Consequently, you might be missing out on clicks that could help you to earn more money from your articles. Ultimately, the articles you decide to publish are a reflection of your abilities as a writer. If you are hoping to build up a decent reputation, you have to ensure the quality of your articles warrants a positive response from your intended audience, so that people read your articles, enjoy them and want to read more of your work. If your articles are posted on content sites or on your own personal website, these individuals may be inclined to go directly to your articles.
Indeed, it is especially important to focus on producing high-quality articles if you utilise social networking sites. If you intend to share your work with your followers or friends, you need to post links to interesting and informative articles, as otherwise you will never build up a significant enough following for social networking to have an impact on your earnings. Once people realise that you produce high-quality articles, they may decide to share your articles with their other friends and followers, which should drive more traffic to your articles and thus boost your earnings.
It might be tempting to focus on producing large quantities of articles in order to increase the amount of revenue your earn, as the more articles you have, the more you are likely to earn. Plus, it can be frustrating to see that other writers have hundreds, if not thousands, of articles published when you have fewer than 50. However, it takes time to build a portfolio of high-quality articles and it is surely better to produce high-quality articles that people want to read, rather than to mass produce poorly constructed articles that people click on but never actually bother to read.
When you write to earn money, it is easy to fixate on the quantity of articles you have, so that you lose sight of how important quality is when producing articles. Ideally, you would be able to produce lots of high-quality articles very quickly, but it takes time to perfect your writing abilities and isn't something you should try to rush. Ultimately, people who read your articles will judge you on the quality of your work. Thus, if you simply churn out articles that no one really wants to read, you could be shooting yourself in the foot, as it helps to have loyal readers who actually bother to click on links to your articles, read what you have written and then share them with their friends.
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