Losing weight may be a worthwhile thing to do, but it often doesn't seem like it. The trouble is that you have to overhaul your lifestyle, making sure you watch what you eat and exercise regularly, which can be a real hassle. Even though you lose weight, you never seem to lose it as quickly as you would like to and, besides, there is always the thought in the back of your mind that you will simply end up putting all the weight back on, anyway. Unfortunately, you might be right, as the majority of people who lose weight regain some, if not all, of the weight they lose. Some even end up heavier than when they started!
Clearly, you don't put yourself on a diet with the intention of ending up heavier than you were to begin with and so you may wonder whether there is actually any point in trying to lose weight when there is a good chance it will end in failure. However, this is not the right attitude to take, since believing that you are going to fail only increases the likelihood that this will be the case. Of course, it is entirely possible that you can successfully lose weight and keep it off, but you have to be realistic about how much weight you can lose and go about your weight loss sensibly.
If you go on a crash diet, you will simply send your body into starvation mode. You may lose weight for a couple of weeks, in the form of water and muscle mass, but what happens when you go back to eating again? The answer is obviously that you simply pile on the pounds again. If your weight has been yo-yoing for a long time, it might be difficult to get out of a mindset which leads you to alternate between dieting and eating 'normally'. If you regularly switch between virtual starvation whilst on a diet and overindulging when you're not, it is bound to be difficult to manage your weight.
You therefore have to get used to the practice of moderation. When it comes to eating and drinking you have to moderate your behaviour, whilst also giving yourself time in the day to exercise. Just because so many people struggle to maintain their weight, doesn't mean that this is going to be the case for you. It might be hard to find the motivation to try to lose weight when you believe you're going to fail, but it is worth considering all the benefits of achieving weight loss, as there are plenty of them.
By losing weight, you could increase your life expectancy and reduce your chances of developing diabetes, cancer, osteoarthritis, heart disease, amongst other serious medical conditions. Losing weight can also help you to feel more confident and give your self-esteem a much-needed boost. You will be able to find clothes that flatter your figure and you don't feel you have to hide away as much, since rather than being on the receiving end of criticism for being overweight, you are more likely to be complimented on your weight-loss success.
Losing weight can be a challenge, especially when you know that reaching your weight-loss goal isn't going to be the end of it and that you are going to have to take action to manage your weight in the long run, but it does benefit you in a number of important ways. Thus, although it might be tempting to tell yourself that there is no point in trying to lose weight, since you usually just end up heavier, the reality is that if you lose weight sensibly, you will actually be able to appreciate that trying to lose weight is a positive step to take in your life.
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