Perseverance is an essential quality to possess in the workplace, as there will be occasions when things don't quite go to plan and so you need to have the drive and determination to get your ideas across and to ensure that your projects go ahead. If you give up every time something unexpected occurs you will never get anything done and could find that your career doesn't progress in the way you want it to. If you persevere, however, failure is not an option and so you will keep trying until things turn out the way you wanted them to.
It is important to persevere in the workplace, as otherwise the temptation is to just give up. If someone unexpectedly quits, leaving a project half-completed, or you find that funding for your organisation has been withdrawn you can’t just ignore it. You have to take action to improve the situation, as no one else will. When other people are depending on you to deliver goods or services, you can't simply abandon them because something else has come up. You have to persevere and ensure that you employ someone else to get your project back on track and find some other way of securing funds.
Obviously, perseverance can help you at all levels. If you are in a low-skilled job where you get little thanks for your efforts you need to persevere when things go wrong, as you are bound to be the one that gets the blame, even when it’s not your fault. You're still the one who ends up correcting other people’s mistakes, though. If you persevere and stick with your job you may eventually have the extra work you've put in acknowledged by your boss, so that you end up being given a promotion.
Indeed, perseverance is an essential quality to possess in the workplace if you are to achieve your career goals and reach your full potential. If you’re higher up the career ladder you need to persevere so that you get your ideas listened to and your contribution recognised. If you're the kind of person who folds under pressure, this is hardly likely to make a good impression on the people you work for, especially if you intend to reach the top of your profession.
Thus, you have to learn to persevere in the workplace if you want to do a good job in whatever it is you do and, hopefully, end up in a position that reflects your capabilities.
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