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Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Are Children Lazier than they Used to be?

It certainly seems that today's children are lazier than they used to be, although it's not all their fault since many parents do not encourage their children to get active. Plus, there are so many more things for children to do these days, as they have hundreds of television channels to choose from; DVDs to watch; and a wide variety of realistic video games to play, and none of these activities require children to expend much energy. It is therefore unsurprising that childhood obesity rates have been on the rise.

Is the fact that children are lazier that they used to be such a bad thing? Well, as already mentioned, more children are being classified as obese, and this is bad news, because carrying too much weight leads to health problems. Children are getting heavier and often carry their weight problem with them into adolescence and adulthood. Unforuntately, once you've got into bad habits, it can be very hard to develop healthier ones, and if you continue to gain weight, you put your body under more and more strain.

Clearly, then, children ought to be doing more exercise. It is recommended that children should get at least an hour of physical activity a day, but many do not, and this is simply storing up problems for the future. The trouble is that it is far easier for parents to let their children play computer games than to accompany them to the park and play with them. Thus, it is not really children's fault if their parents themselves are lazy and lead a sedentary lifestyle.

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